Services Offered

Developing new products in small and industrial scale

Developing new products in small and industrial scale, working through all phases of the development process, starting with the project, up to the first production, launching into the market and delivery to customers;

Defining the optimum formulation and production process in order to manufacture a product with desired features in terms of sensorial profile, shelf life and costs;

Defining ingredients and raw material specification as well as its suppliers despite being them ingredients or packaging material;

Making the legal labeling according Brazilian legal food rules;

Calculating nutritional facts;

Guiding and monitoring industrial tests, first productions and industrial fabrications in progress;

industrialized cookies
first productions and industrial fabrications in progress

Selecting and developing suppliers of food production services and copackers;

Evaluating carefully the economic feasibility of products and production processes to optimize and achieve costs reductions, including taxes chain and helping to find the classification in NCM system;

Evaluating the performance of ingredients in food products, comparing results in different conditions even guiding the application of ingredients in the costumers production.

Preparing, translating and reviewing technical material about food ingredients and food products.

product ready for market